• We will be recruiting postdocs and Duke students. Interested in computational biology, machine learning, bioinformatics, cancer genomics, single-cell multi-omics, spatial transcriptomics, human genetics, and immunology? - Welcome to join us!

  • Postdocs or PhD soon-to-be who work on computational biology, bioinformatics, cancer genomics, single-cell omics, spatial transcriptomics, machine learning, genetic variant function, and biological questions in cancer or tumor microenvironment - Welcome to contact to join us! If possible please include (1) CV or Resume (2) A short research statement describing previous/ongoing work and proposed research and interest (3) 1-3 representative publications (published, accepted, or preprint) (4) Three names of references. Thanks! (Job postings to come)
  • Prospective students interested in our research are encouraged to apply through Duke graduate programs: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBB - PhD), Biostatsistics (PhD & MS). Graduate admission decisions are made by program committee. If contacting for interest, please include (1) CV or Resume (2) Short description of research experience and interest (3) Three names of references. We will also be available for CBB & Biostats students to rotate soon. Thanks!